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The Fantastic World of Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know About

Ever wondered why things are things? I know I have. And I probably would've gone to my grave ignorant of the nature of things until I found a simple four-step program to knowing why things are things. This is that four-step program:

  1. Maximize your maximization.

  2. Always facilitate; never defiliate.

  3. Listen to where the paradigms grow.

  4. Maximize your maximization again.

And that's all there is to it!

To illustrate this in tabular form, please experience the following:

| Function/Foundation | Idealation | Creatigation | Investimation    | Expandoration        |
| Prioritize?         | Yes!       | A must!      | A definite must! | No doubt!            |
| Stiltify?           | No!        | Never!       | Absolutely not!  | Only if you have to! |
| Number Crunch       | 3.2%       | 49.57%       | 1,323.84%        | ~5%-67%              |
| The Bottom Line     | Buy!       | Sell!        | Castigate!       | Buy!                 |

The Moral of Our Storiation

If you can exactify this proceduratization, you'll be rocketing to the top of the corporate space elevator before you or anyone you know can blink the alphabet seven times backwards. The question is: Do you wantify it? And are you maximizationing that wantification?

Time is our biggest client's accountant's lunch hour! What will YOU order?!

May 7, 2024, 1:57 PM
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