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2024 Election News - July 24, 2024 =^..^=

With more than 35 votes so far, this election is getting real!

So far…

@auriali is in the lead, with fifteen votes. She has more than twice as many votes as @kiwi , the next candidate with seven votes. @election’s post (below) is sparking a lot of controversy among wasteofers, and @auriali, @toaks, and @blaze have been putting a lot of effort into their campaigns.


Make sure to look at @jamied132 ’s post which has much more extensive research and more Interviews.

So far, here are my own (brief) interviews:

Interview with @auriali:

Me: how confident are you that you will win the election?

Auriali: I have confidence in the people of wasteof that they’ll choose the right candidate, and I hope that is me. I am doing well at the moment it seems, however, I do not want to come off as cocky because I don’t like that mentality. I am silly billy who hopes I’ll become the president-elect through spitting straight facts to the wonderful people of wasteof.

Interview with @eris:

Me: How confident are you that you will win the election?

Eris: At first no, I’m not that popular here. But now I’m thinking I do have a chance to win, we’ll see.

Interview with @toaks:

Me: how confident are you that you will win the election?

Toaks: I don’t want to win the election, I want to be treasurer. - =^..^=

thank you for reading! please follow @2024electionnews and @luckythecat

Jul 24, 2024, 10:39 PM
15 2 0
