90ish page long law reccomendation (or bill or whatever) was passed to the (hungarian) parlament (i’m like a few days late with posting this i think, i forgot)
and its about banning the usage of phones (or bringing phones (iirc students only)) in basically every school
https://www.parlament.hu/irom42/08560/08560.pdf (no english version as far as i know lololol)
i haven’t read it myself yet, but i think i know what i’m reading this weekend
EDIT: might actually be stupid and this bill was already accepted and i’m just stupid - i don’t actually keep that much of an eye/attention to it lol
EDIT2: also iirc this only bans the usage of—and possession of—a phone if students dont use it for learning purpose
theres gonna be already 3 loopholes used when this goes into affect, won’t it