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Hmm. On that note, maybe I should share this dream that I coincidentally had last night.

ENTRY 2024.6.7.F - You're A Beautiful Hydrangea

I had a dream that I was viewing my wasteof feed, and Mef had made an art piece depicting a cherry blossom tree, with a message written in the leaves. It was subconsciously implied to be the grounds by which others would receive some sort of protection. It said something along the lines of "all people above the skies and above our waters". In a following post, Mef also cracked several Icelandic Waters-style references to Nauis.

As usual, there was also a segment with an element of No Man's Sky material. It seems that most of my NMS-related dreams have involved either the Sentinels or the tube worm abyssal horrors . . . which is understandable, considering that I fight like a dedicated Vy'keen against the former and have gotten a few honest frights from the latter.

Jun 7, 2024, 9:21 PM
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