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Jeremy starts to slowly walk into the room. He stands next to Josh and asks him, “Why is there a dragon in here?”

I smile and say, “Hello.”

“Whoa!”, Jeremy shouts, reeling backward. “How is this thing talking?”

I keep smiling and explain. “That file that got sent out earlier today. That’s how I’m talking to you.” I remember the priorities of this phase of the plan. Break as much ice as possible without exposing too much.

“Wow,” Jeremy says. “But how did you . . .”

I consider his question incomplete enough that he wouldn’t mind if I didn’t answer it. “My name is [*974],” I say, holding out one of my talons, “and it is a pleasure to meet you.”

Jeremy looks at my outstretched talon and says, “Do I . . .” He then answers his own question, holds my talon and shakes it.

-= writing shelved

- The Saga of [*974], 2024.4.2.C

Jun 2, 2024, 8:54 PM
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