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FACT: During the TBGs DNS debacle, I prepared a writing addressed to whoever may have caused it. It was meant to let them know that if they were trying to start an ARG, I would woodchip it without a moment’s hesitation.

On top of that, I have experienced my fair share of ARGs. You will never know the feeling of stepping through a tame doorway, only to find yourself swept away by raging floodwaters filled with Morse Code messages, phone calls and countless death threats. I am, of course, talking about The Lunch Ruse Meeting, a fateful incident that marked the beginning of my extensive experience with ARGs.

As I struggled in the turbulent waters, I was enraged at the sheer ignorance of the people in the meeting. I checked the host of an anonymous client claiming to be someone named Riva. The IP address clearly matched another fandom member, whom Riva claimed had gotten assaulted and kidnapped by his lunch. How could people be this purposefully ignorant? When another operator showed up in the channel, I pleaded him to let me end this madness. As telegraph machines buzzed and dialpad tones sounded around me, I was wholeheartedly furious.

- It's Time To Taste The Music, 2024.1.20.E

May 31, 2024, 10:06 PM
1 0 3
