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We have also decided to show the nations with the most views for this year. Thank you for your support for all of this.

For the top 15 countries, we have these following nations:

  1. USA: 8,560 views (ok, WOAH, really? Thank you)

  2. Australia: 310 views

  3. UK: 297 views

  4. New Zealand: 272 views

  5. Philippines: 210 views

  6. Spain: 149 views

  7. Canada: 133 views

  8. Israel/Palestine: 88 views

  9. Germany: 82 views

  10. France: 42 views

  11. Netherlands: 35 views

  12. Ireland: 34 views

  13. Romania: 34 views

  14. China: 28 views

  15. Ukraine: 16 views

Honorable Mentions:

India: 13 views

Singapore: 13 views

Poland: 12 views

So what is your country? Is it on the list?

Apr 21, 2024, 5:24 PM
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