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Let me add on to this further. When you—someone with a dissenting view—chooses to insult me, you are making your cause appear much worse. It not only ruins your credibility, but it also dismantles the very integrity of your beliefs. It communicates to me, “This person has no empirical basis for their beliefs. They rely solely on intuition and personal experiences to guide their decisions.” Rather than relaying empirical and unbiased evidence to give reason to your beliefs and actions, I see you making insults based solely on prejudice and other forms of simple-minded heuristics.

Notwithstanding, I have a responsibility to lend an open ear to everyone, regardless of how inexplicably challenging it is to listen to them. I can only pray to God that people can bring themselves, in time, to the point of mere intellectual competency.

Mar 22, 2024, 6:35 PM
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