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And why does this frustrate me so much? Because I cannot even obtain someone’s dissenting views, as they are too preoccupied with wanting to attack me. It’s seriously like dealing with children; they don’t have the mental capacity to hold a discussion without needing to squeeze their ego and feelings into the conversation.

I want to hear a constructive, informative description of your perspective. That’s all. I am asking for you to do the one thing you love to do most: talk about yourself. But, for the love of God, don’t give in to the childish impulse of throwing insults at me that deter meaningful inquiry. I am already being generous enough by trying to obtain a point of view that disagrees with my own. I don’t have my own views supported from hearing that. Yet, I still do it, because I know that thoughtful reasoning requires more than just one dominant perspective on a subject. So please—do me the favor of not needlessly interjecting with an insult.

Mar 22, 2024, 6:27 PM
8 1 3
