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Alec’s video in the channel Technology Connections about street light switches tells the interesting way they work. They use a thermostat to switch the lights and uses a couple of resistors that function as a heater, connected in series with an LDR. When light shines into the LDR, its resistance decreses, making the heater resistor produce heat. This heat then trips the thermostat, which opens the connection to the lamp, therefore turning it off. This explanation is made much clearer with a demonstration of it in action when it’s opened through an IR camera.

Meanwhile, some idiot—to put it politely—decided to comment on that video telling that the aforementioned demo is faked, citing “lack of real-life scene”. They added that the no voltage current is flowing through the heaters and Alec just shot a heatgun through the termostat and played the video in reverse (which is allegedly proven by the LDR also heating up). All of them written in a essay that could substitute as a sleeping agent.

What a world we live in.

Feb 29, 2024, 5:02 PM
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