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Week 6/52

I’ve been realizing that some of these goals are not necessarily good. For example, running a race every month isn’t always good (it’s better to have 2 big peaks in the spring and fall). But, I’m still going to try for these. They’re not necessarily bad.

  • 2. I ran 33 miles this week, I’m trying to boost my mileage. I’m still below what I need to be at in total (143 miles right now) but I can easily catch up.

  • 5. My dad got the apple developer account 🎉 so I just need to clean up the app and release a beta.

  • 10. I’m realizing how much I hate driving. I might make a separate post about this later, but i’ve made a ton of posts today. Anyways, I did no driving this week. I just really hate doing it.

Feb 11, 2024, 11:43 PM
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