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Hey all!

I need a bit of help with Questions about Scratch’s 6th directory, which I now own as Sliverus gave permission. I’m in the need of banners, however I cannot make them as I fear I’d break the style, and I do not want to do that without restyling the whole topic if I need to.

The topic in question: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/738989/

Examples for reference:




I really need ones for a Temporary Questions Archive and a Infrequently asked Questions section, mainly since I feel those could leave out a bit of debacle about the list, such as permanently erasing an answer to something while it may be best to also archive it anywhere.

Help is appreciated and will be credited in the topic, though I’d need your Scratch username.

I also beg that you use cubeupload if possible, otherwise I’ll reupload onto cubeupload just so it’d be usable in the topic.

Feb 4, 2024, 8:59 PM (edited)
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