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And I basically jumped on this factor - I’d’ve also pointed out the fact that the footage should atleast have given us the date and time, but it didn’t. And the fact that in this mock trial, there was no identity given to the victim or defendant besides the footage - So that was quick judgement by both defense and jury.

I’d also plead not guilty while the jury claimed self-defense. The jury’s self defense claim was something taken out at the end of the trial, as when you make the attacker unable to fight, you technically have finished your self defense, period.

And speaking of the end of the trial, that’s basically the end of my memory, well - Besides what I wanted to do…

I’d have also asked for another recess to get the exact time, if the camera is definitely not a phone, if the location is even at the school. Though now that I think hard of it, it would’ve probably been easier if the 2 witnesses were just talked about.

Also, the footage did have audio - But for the sake of the mock trial, that was out of point.

Oh yeah also the prosecution’s pile of evidence and audio recording?

Yeah, that was never brung up besides in the opening statement lmfao, never again.

Though I guess technically the witnesses part can be considered true because of the footage, but ehhhh…. They were never brung up anyway and everyone forgot it was even mentioned.

Feb 2, 2024, 4:01 PM
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