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Fire? An invention? It seems that despite praising fire as above most other things and concepts that you still have missed its most important aspect.

It is well known for its destructive capabilities, and is honored for its utility as a source of heat and energy. And the spectacle it shows as it consumes and grows and glows must not be ignored either, making it a common symbol of vigor and aggression, surpassing any animal, no matter how deadly.

But as time goes, we’ll always find or create more effective ways to destroy, more powerful energy sources, more entertaining sights. So why then has fire not lost its relevance, as with most overtaken in their capabilities?

Lightbulbs rely on outside power, which often fails. Flashlights rely on batteries, which will run out someday. And for most of history, neither of these were options. So what is left when we have none of these for us to see in our homes when the sun isn’t here to help us? Candles and lamps. Inventions that rely on fire. As long as there is something to burn, there is fire. No invention can be as widespread and reliable as fire is.

And how is it this accessible? How do we know fire will always be there? Because all fire is is just a simple process involving oxygen, which needs no introduction. And this easily available process just so happens to produce heat and light, two important requirements for life. Fire is a miracle that no invention will ever match.

(only wrote this for fun, not trying to be condescending)

Dec 28, 2023, 6:38 PM
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