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  • Everyone starts with one state, choose wisely.

  • Game starts on Sunday (Dec 17)

  • Comment on the wall what you want to do each day. You don’t have to say specific county names (although you can find the names on this map: https://www.mapchart.net/usa-counties.html), but you can just say a direction or something similar.

  • Each day you can capture 2 unclaimed counties that your territory borders, or you can go to war with someone else for a county they control. War rules are below.

  • Controlling states or regions of the US gives you a boost. If you control a state, you get 2 extra counties you can claim per day, and if you control a region you get 4 extra per day. Your first state doesn’t count towards the total.

  • Regions are defined by this map:

    Alaska and Hawaii aren’t needed to control the regions they’re in.

  • War rules: Each person gets 1000 troops to start. You get 100 extra per each county, 2000 extra per each state you control, and 4000 extra per each region you control. You choose where to spend your troops, and whoever puts the most troops up in a certain battle wins. If you’re involved in multiple battles on one day you get to decide how to divvy up your troops.

  • You can send some troops to other places on the coast if you control some coastline. This means you can’t use those troops in other battles unless they return home.

  • Washington DC counts as a state.

Have fun!

Dec 12, 2023, 10:41 PM (edited)
7 1 4
