i know, three posts in a day is pretty wacky BUT
would it make sense for my blog project to have a ratelimit of 3 new blog posts per 5 minutes, 250 views per hour (it doesn’t make a db query for everytime someone reloads the page, the posts are cached and the list is refreshed everytime a new post is made so the db doesn’t feel stressed), and a 50 requests per minute for the api (the api makes a new db query for each request)
i might upload a new youtube video about it sometime soon but i’m grounded so y’all will have to wait a few weeks lol…
some interesting features about the blog:
100% flask, python, pymongo
FIRST time i’ve used fetchapi (to make an admin panel)
probably my biggest project that functions properly
my first time using tailwind css
my first time making json configuration files (you can customize fonts, theme color, admin accounts, etc.)
first version on github was made in 4 hours (didn’t have much, no admin panel or CSS)
latest version made in about 12 hours of work (2 seperate days of work)