So I was just about to do a post on how 1200 migrants came onto the small Italian Island of Lampedusa, and how this is bad/not a good place for migrants etc, but it turns out they are just using the island as a stopping point until they get transferred to cities. A short term inconvience for the residents? Certainly. Is it a good thing migrants are going to safer, more oppotunistic places that don’t overflow the population? Certainly as well.
It turns out the original source I found this from was a very right-wing twitter page which didn’t really tell you the full side of the story and missed that last crucial detail. Sometimes I’ve found right wing media does this to make things worse than they are, with leftist media doing the opposite. They are both issues.
So this is your reminder to not fully trust all stories on social media. Always look it up on trustworthy sources to see if you’re getting the full scope, backstory and understanding of the story before making an input or opinion on the matter.