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So i had the goofiest dream last night which I’d like to present to you guys as:

BBC Jeff-lock: the dream incident

(Name derived from jeffalo, BBC Sherlock, Artemis fowl: the artic incident and dream, obviously)

This masterpiece contained:

  • Jeffalo as the main character

  • First person Jeffalo sometimes, others not

  • Set in a mixture of average British town and london

  • We had to rescue holly short from this building for some reason

  • Jeffalo had this cool microphone that he could use to speak with this huge group of people, but it was like they were all wearing earphonesand it was secret to just the group, (think a more tech-y version of the homeless network from bbc Sherlock) they all listened to him and it was called “Pippin”

  • During one of the first person segments, I had to try to get to the top of a restaurant (holly wasn’t there so idk) so I ignored all the staff warning me and trying to hinder me until I got to the staff only elevator where they blocked me so I used sleeping Gas but at that moment my best friends older brother came into the elevator and then he collapsed, which is when my held breath gave out and I collapsed

    in conclusion: I don’t know

Jan 21, 2023, 7:52 AM (edited)
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