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Now for a non-weird question:

I’m going to implement searching for TBG REST. However, I’m not sure what query syntax I should use. Here’s the list:

Raw         : /search/posts?keywords=keyword&author=author&forums=2&forums=5&search_in=0&sort_by=0&sort_dir=DESC
Ocular style: /search/posts?q=keyword +username:"author" +category:"TBG" +category:"RPG"&sort=0&order=DESC
GitHub style: /search/posts?q=keyword user:author in:TBG in:RPG sort:time-desc (you can also use `sort=` and `order=` queries if you want)

not URI encoded for readabilty (for humans at least)

Which one should I choose?

Nov 27, 2022, 2:31 PM
1 0 3
