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Wasteof Bot Jam

Something coming soon... wasteof bot jam

Make a bot! Any type of bot! (No commands or with commands) Any language!

For access to these prizes:

  1. First Place: 50,000 WomBucks & Choose theme of next jam

  2. Second Place: 25,000 & Shoutout

  3. Third Place: 10,000 WomBucks & Shoutout

  4. Fourth Place: 5,000 WomBucks

  5. Fifth Place: 2,000 WomBucks

Everyone else: 500 WomBucks for participating

Winners will be chosen by September 20th!

Start making!

If you need help making a bot, you can ask me (for python), @ankit_anmol for python, @oren for node.js. (Tell me if you make bots!!)

If you want to be a judge, comment here. You can’t make a bot if you are a judge.

Aug 26, 2022, 3:06 PM
4 2 12
